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Leveraging technology: Optimize for mobile and SEO


Don’t overlook the importance of SEO, responsiveness, and security to your website’s marketing success

At jamgd, we believe that your website should be one of your most valuable marketing tools (see Part 1 and Part 2 of this series). Since your website is often the first encounter a prospect or customer has with your company, good design is important to make sure they get a great first impression. Visual appeal is important, but so is the user experience. Making sure that your site is easy for visitors to use can help your business meet its goals by driving engagement and building relationships with prospects and customers.

Yes, it’s important for your website to look good and function effortlessly. But that’s not the end of the story. The technology that operates behind the scenes also plays a huge role. You can have the best designed, easy-to-use website, but if potential customers can’t find it or view it on their phones, or if it gets hacked, none of that matters. 

Employing good SEO practices, optimizing for mobile devices, and beefing up security are all ways to leverage technology to your website’s advantage. Let’s look at each of these in greater detail. 

1. Get found with good SEO
Don’t know what SEO means? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” SEO is a collection of practices and techniques that are designed to help your website rank higher in an internet search. Since most people don’t go past the first page or two of search results, the higher your site ranks, the more likely you are to get found. 

Google has an algorithm that it uses to determine search rankings. Because technology and online user behavior changes rapidly, Google’s search algorithm also changes frequently. So, even if your website’s SEO was optimized a year ago, chances are there are still changes that could help improve its search ranking. 

SEO experts can be expensive, but you don’t have to pay a lot to get SEO expertise. At jamgd, we have the knowledge and experience to cost-effectively optimize your site’s SEO. 

2. Optimize for mobile
A website that’s viewable on mobile devices is no longer optional; it’s a necessity. A 2016 survey by the Pew Research Center found that 77% of U.S. adults now own a smartphone. In addition, 51% own a tablet and nearly a quarter own an e-reader. That’s a lot of potential customers! But merely being mobile friendly isn’t even enough anymore. It needs to be optimized for mobile, because chances are that a majority of your visitors are getting to your site using a mobile device. 

If your site isn’t responsive, it may also be negatively impacting both your SEO and your reputation. Google added mobile to its search algorithm in 2015, so sites that are not responsive rank lower in search results. Last year, they changed their algorithm to make the mobile experience of a website the primary criteria in the ranking index. And if the threat of a poor SEO ranking doesn’t convince you to optimize your site for mobile, there is also evidence to suggest that users view businesses with unresponsive websites as outdated, unprofessional, and even incompetent. 

With the rapid and continued growth of the use of mobile devices, optimizing for mobile should be a top priority for your website. jamgd can help you make sure that users have a great experience on your website, whether they get there using a smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer. 

3. Secure your site
Websites are attacked every day - often multiple times a day - from locations all around the globe. There are any number of ways that your website’s security can be compromised. Sometimes the effects are dramatic, like the site crashing. Other times, attacks may go unnoticed, but significant damage is being done behind the scenes. 

How secure is your website? Here are 7 things you can do to improve your site’s security.

  • Use strong passwords. A password consisting of at least eight characters including a mix of numbers, upper- and lower-case letters, and special characters (#,$,%) is more secure than something like “admin123.”
  • Store your passwords in a safe place. A sticky note on your monitor is not a safe place. Enough said.
  • Know who has access to your website, and what type of user permissions they have. Make sure to delete the accounts of employees who have left the company or vendors you no longer work with. 
  • Know who is responsible for the security of your website. It may be an employee or an outside contractor, but designate someone. 
  • Actively run updates. Make sure to update your CMS, plugins, and any other software when updates are available. 
  • Back up your website on a regular basis. Make sure you know how often backups are being done and where they are stored.
  • Replace outdated technology. It’s possible for any website to get hacked, but it’s more likely to occur on sites that run on old technology, 

These basic security protocols will provide a minimum level of protection for your website. Fortunately, there is more that can be done on your website’s back end to help keep it secure. If you’re not actively managing your site’s security, or aren’t sure where to start, contact us. We’d be happy to help.

Making the best use of currently available technology helps your website work up to its full potential. Keeping SEO practices current, optimizing for mobile, and using good security practices are all ways to boost your website’s marketing power. But keeping up with changes in technology can be confusing and frustrating. Your website is an important marketing tool that’s worth your time, attention, and investment. At jamgd, we have the knowledge and experience to help you leverage current website technology to its full advantage.

Wrapping it up
Website technology, design practices, and user experience are constantly – and rapidly – evolving. What was considered the latest and greatest just a few years ago now can seem hopelessly outdated. Websites and other digital technology continue to grow in importance. Keeping up with changes in technology and user expectations is no longer optional – it’s necessary. At jamgd, it’s our mission to help you do that. Contact us to discuss how we can help make your website your #1 marketing tool.


Sources for part 3:

McCormick, Kim. "7 Must-Haves for Your Website in 2017." Bayshore Solutions. N.p., 27 Jan. 2017. Web. 12 July 2017.
"20 Facts You Need to Know About the Marketing World in 2016." White Shark Media Blog. N.p., 26 Apr. 2017. Web. 12 July 2017.
"Website Standards for 2017: What You Need to Know." BigFresh - Bellingham Web Application Development. N.p., 09 Jan. 2017. Web. 12 July 2017.
"6 Reasons Why 2017 Should Be The Year You Redesign Your Website." Wpromote. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 July 2017.
"Blog." Designing Your Website for User Experience in 2017 | Accrisoft. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 July 2017.