Our Process


While we customize the work we do for each client, we follow the same basic steps and workflow for each project to ensure the results and exceed your expectations.


We start by asking questions, and by having you tell us what’s been going on in your business or organization. Who are your target audiences? We want to hear about your opportunities, challenges, frustrations – and, very importantly, what you want to accomplish.


This is the strategic side of things! We want to see what background information you have, and help you determine if additional research is needed. Do you know your competition well, and what opportunities exist in the marketplace? Do you know what your target customers need, want, desire? We brainstorm with you, and with ourselves, and we start developing the direction for your project or program.


Here is the part where the ideas start becoming tangible. We use the creative strategy to develop on-target design solutions. We share concepts with you, and refine as needed.  We come up with ways – some traditional, some unconventional – to deliver your message and resonate with your target audience.


This is where the rubber meets the road. You will find our deliverables – whether on-line, off-line, or a cross between the two – help you stand apart from the competition so that you are noticed. We also ensure that you offer up a clear call to action for your audience (because, you want them to do something, right?).


This is one of them most important parts of the process, and where many others let the ball drop (to be quite frank). We measure and monitor the results of all communication efforts, and by keeping a close eye on the outcome, we can adjust and tweak as needed. Your marketing efforts are never stagnant; if they are, you won’t be accomplishing what you set out to do.