review and adjustment


Assessing your results will help you adjust your future strategy.

Reviewing your results will help you adjust your future strategy. jamgd can ensure that you have measurable marketing objectives, and that metrics are built into every touchpoint. We can help you assign numbers, deadlines and measurements to each of your goals. That way you can assess and make changes to your plans to keep you on course to reaching your business goals. Looking back can help you move forward. Here are some examples of metrics to examine:

Sales Growth

Watching your revenue and number of units sold can help to improve sales. You also need to monitor profit margins or ROI, which is how much you take in after your expenses and costs. jamgd can work with you to review your sales goals and outcomes. If not on target, we can help you and your team to ensure that you have the right strategy and sales tools. In addition, we can also conduct both quantitative and qualitative research to determine what tactics and strategies need to be changed.

Market Share

Your market share metric helps you compare your company to others in your industry, and identify ways to reach your growth potential. To measure changes in your market share, you need to know your current share of the market.

Lead Generation

Here are some of the ways you can track lead generations:

  • Number of leads
  • Increase in leads compared to other time frames
  • Cost per lead
  • Conversion rate or percentage of your traffic that becomes a lead after visiting your website

New Customer Acquisition

New customer acquisition metrics help you monitor growth, such as:

  • Number of new customers
  • Increase in new customers
  • Cost per new customer
  • Percentage of leads that become paying customers

Website Metrics

Google Analytics is an online, free service that allows for the tracking of activity on a website. Once the client creates their Google Analytics account, we add the code to the website. This can then be used to track site visitors, pages viewed, keywords used to find the website, search engines used to find the website, and more. Going forward, Google Analytics can help you understand how the site is performing and where visitors are going on the site. Here are some other common website metrics used:

  • Number of visits to a website
  • Unique visitors
  • Page views per visit
  • Bounce rate or percentage of website visitors who leave site after viewing only one page
  • Time on site

Social Media Engagement

If you have social media strategies, the following metrics can be used to assess performance and adjustments needed:

  • Increase in fans or followers
  • Number of comments
  • Number of shares
  • Number of opt-ins or number of leads generated through your social campaigns or posts
  • Percentage of traffic generated from social media sources
  • Percentage of searches for a target keyword that lead back to your website

jamgd is Full Service

In addition to conducting a review and assessment of your current results, jamgd can provide full service marketing and design. We can conduct research, develop the correct combination of goals, targets, tactics and timing for your business marketing. We also work with you to determine the right branding and creative messaging to best meet your goals. Done well, both creatively and strategically, the end result is marketing that does its part to net sales and business results beyond your expectations.

Find out more about why Marketing Matters. Request a free consultation by contacting us or calling us at 608.257.6464