Research and Analysis


Research provides the background you need for clear direction.

Research will help you identify your goals, value proposition, target, brand awareness, communications channels, and more. It’s your compass to ensure that you have the background needed to create your marketing strategy.

Jamgd can conduct the research, which will help us develop the correct combination of goals, targets, tactics and timing for your business marketing. We also work with you to determine the right branding and creative messaging to best meet your goals. Done well, both creatively and strategically, the end result is marketing that does its part to net sales and business results beyond your expectations. Marketing Matters.

Analysis Phase

We want to see what background information you have, and help you determine if additional research is needed. Do you know your competition well, and what opportunities exist in the marketplace? Do you know what your target customers need, want, desire? We brainstorm with you, and with ourselves, and we start developing the direction for your project based on these initial audits. As a part of the Analysis Phase, we conduct several audits:

  • The Brand Audit includes an analysis of the current “lay of the landscape.” Looking at all information provided by you, jamgd will first review and understand where the organization has been and what you know today as truths about your organization. We review any client data, search for secondary market information, review social media conversations, and all current and historical collateral, and research competitive websites, and all internal and external communications.
  • The Website Audit includes a review of the current website. Analyzing the backend to see if it was properly built with H1 and H2 tags: images, keywords, metatags and descriptors, all of these help with your search engine optimization. We look at what type of CMS control you have, along with your hosting options.
  • The Social Media Audit includes a review of your current social media channels to see whether you are using them effectively, and if they properly branded, and determine if your posts are relevant, engaging, and effective in helping impact your goals.
  • The Advertising Audit includes a review all of your current print, radio and television channels, where applicable. We will ensure your efforts are reaching your targets in the most efficient way possible.

Research Phase

Research will work to ensure that the marketing strategy and plan are aligned with your overall organizational objectives, and will work to help you reach your goals. Research can also play a critical role into defining your logo, tagline, look and feel, as well as the messaging and positioning in the market. Here are four types of research that are commonly recommended for businesses:

  • Internal Organizational Research (with management and employees) ensures that jamgd has a clear and complete understanding of the organization’s structure, values, and goals, which are the basis for all communication materials. It will consist of a deep understanding of the core values, mission, and philosophy. A kick-off strategy session with the staff, and any other key stakeholders, will allow an open discussion to review the elements of the current brand, establish the present and future target audiences, review facts about your company, and discuss current relationships. Any relevant past research will be shared. Importantly, your goals and future vision will be detailed so that these are incorporated into all future stages of your marketing strategy.
  • Stakeholder Research concentrates on understanding the behaviors and preferences of the industry. This research aims to understand from a simple level why stakeholders and audiences care about your company. It will help determine what the messaging and positioning of the organization should be in order to increase awareness among your target audiences. Another objective is to gain an understanding of the most effective marketing tactics and campaigns to utilize. This phase of research is very effective in determining the opportunities and obstacles in marketing your organization and brand.
  • Competitive Research provides insight into what other companies in your space are doing. The goal is to gather data to make a meaningful comparison between similar organizations, so that the organization can make better-informed marketing and communications decisions. This is an important step that will identify how the company fits into the competitive landscape and will offer insight into how each organization presents itself as similar, different, or complementary to other organizations.
  • Customer Research can include qualitative questions, via interviews, discussions, focus groups, or surveys. Customers answer a set of probing questions to get more ideas as to what options and ideas your business should further explore. Quantitative surveys (usually via email) provide hard numbers and data as output. This can be very helpful in making branding, messaging and marketing decisions.

To summarize, the overall mix of analysis and research components will allow jamgd to determine what messages and communication tactics will resonate with your target audience(s), and to develop a strategic and effective communications and marketing platform.

The next step is planning your Marketing Strategy - click here to learn more.

Find out more about why Marketing Matters. Request a free consultation by contacting us or calling us at 608.257.6464