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Nicks Chips before and after

Nicks Chips Before & After - A Packaging Makeover Can Grow Profits

When it comes to brand recognition, appearances are everything. Good packaging is essential to the success of a product – each can, box, and bag represents an opportunity to drive profit. Packaging makes that first impression, and customers decide quickly whether they will give a new brand a second look.

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Nicks Chips Packaging

Packaging - The Silent Sales Pitch

A packaged product has to do more than sit on a shelf and look pretty. It has two seconds (yep, two seconds) to connect with a consumer. Somehow your package has to deliver a silent sales pitch that stands out amongst all of the other product clutter. It may sound daunting, but no need to panic. Here is a list of details that will get your product flying off the shelf.

Command Attention!

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